
Sync Outlook with FastMail server?

Sync Outlook with FastMail server?

FastMail is a private, secure, ad-free email hosting for you or your business according to its website.

Our biz partner came from Australia and he has trouble synchronizing his contact, calendar & task with Outlook 2016 and Office 365. He was disappointed that FastMail does not have solution for synchronization between his FastMail account and Outlook 2016/2013/2019/2010/2007. 

He was asking me if I have come across with any third-party solution. This makes me flashing back that EVO Collaborator for Outlook does support a variety of on-premises & cloud services.

I told him about the website and he was on his own. A few days later, he called me and gave me a surprising answer. Yes! It does support FastMail server as well as many other paid or free mail servers. He briefly told me a few steps on how to sync with FastMail. Here, I like to share with you guys in case you need it:

  1. Download and install EVO Collaborator for Outlook
  2. Open Configure profile(s)
  3. Click on Profile #22 or later as long as it is vacant.
  4. In server URL space, enter:

  5. https://caldav.fastmail.com/dav/
  6. Enter username & password in corresponding area.
  7. Note: password is an APP-PASSWORD which can be created in your fastmail web interface.
  8. Click Test, Apply and Quit.
This is quite straight and simple. 

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