
Turn MI Box, Android TV, nVidia Shield into photo viewer or slideshow photoframe

Still view photo on small LCD monitor or cellphone?

As large LCD or LED TV becomes affordable, the chances of sitting in front of it has become much greater. Rather than viewing photos on cellphone or PC monitor, we can make viewing experience more enjoyable on large Android TV.

Turn Android TV into a slideshow photoframe

If you ever attend conference meetings or shows of any sort, you will notice that large screen TVs are everywhere and acting like photoframes playing slideshows. To achieve this at home on large Android TV, there are commonly two ways. One is connecting your PC or laptop to the TV and another one is using mirror feature on cellphone projecting slideshow from your cellphone.

How about on MI Box and nVidia Shield?

Unfortunately, there is no such photo viewer or slideshow photoframe feature on MI Box. On the other hand, nVidia Shield comes with a built-in photo viewer but this viewer does not provide slideshow feature. Yet, the picture quality is downgraded to lower resolution. So, it is not really recommended.

Photo Viewer for Android TV comes along

Here is a handy app called "Photo Viewer for Android TV" on Google Play Store. It is compatible with Android TV, MI Box and nVidia Shield as well as other Android set-top boxes. This app turns your big-screen TV into a photo viewer and slideshow photoframe.

How to install Photo Viewer for Android TV?

Here is a tutorial showing you how to get Photo Viewer for Android TV from scratch:

Once it is installed, you no longer need to hook up other devices and share pictures with others as well as having a screen saver showing your favorite photo albums rather than Android TV's default photos.

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