Yahoo!'s CardDAV server may have introduced a new bug!
Today (2014-09-19), someone just reported a strange behavior while using EVO Collaborator for Outlook (which is a CardDAV client for Outlook).
The behavior occurs when you try to create a new contact via CardDAV protocol to Yahoo!'s server. No new contact is ever created. Yet, an existing contact is erased!
What a terrible problem! We tried to investigate the cause. First, we attempted to read RFC again; the RFC document for CardDAV is RFC6352
In section 6.3.2 Creating Address Object Resources, there it says:
When servers create new resources, it's not hard for the server to choose a unique URL. It's slightly tougher for clients, because a client might not want to examine all resources in the collection and might not want to lock the entire collection to ensure that a new one isn't created with a name collision. However, there is an HTTP feature to mitigate this. If the client intends to create a new address resource, the client SHOULD use the HTTP header "If-None- Match: *" on the PUT request. The Request-URI on the PUT request MUST include the target collection, where the resource is to be created, plus the name of the resource in the last path segment. The "If-None-Match" header ensures that the client will not inadvertently overwrite an existing resource even if the last path segment turned out to already be used.
But we still need a very strong evidence to confirm this. So, I added an Yahoo!'s carddav account on my iPhone, using "App password" (the yahoo password no longer works) and Viola! The same error happens with iPhone that when you create a new contact, it erases an existing one..
I hope Yahoo! can fix this soon!